Our Approach
SiteLine’s commercial real estate activities focus on retail properties located in the Greater Toronto Area and strategically throughout Ontario. This desirable asset class — with strong oversight — provides investors with sustainable long-term returns. The key to commercial real estate investments is threefold:
- Buying at the right price
- Choosing the right location
- Attracting the right tenants
The “right tenants” are ones that can attract and maintain a high volume of traffic to the property, with strong businesses and financial capability.
Buying Well & Active Management
The SiteLine team looks for properties that need updating but are well located, in order to draw interest from high quality anchor tenants. These tenants act as an incentive for smaller tenants to lease space — further supporting the value of the property.
We have also found properties in high traffic areas with quality anchor tenants already in place, which ensures stability of rental income for the property at the outset.

A Strong & Diversified Tenant Base
Sustainability of cash flow and the overall financial viability/quality of tenants is proving to be extremely valuable in our current economic environment. That’s why our team seeks out tenants with strong business plans and financial capabilities — ensuring sustainable ongoing cash flow from each property. We also focus on maintaining a broad tenant base throughout our portfolio, which helps ensure that no one tenant represents too high of an exposure to an investor’s returns.

Top Tenants
– Andrew Drexler, Assistant Vice President, Commercial Financing at First National Financial“SiteLine has been the property manager for a number of my commercial properties throughout Ontario for over 13 years. During this time, Josh and his team have consistently identified and executed on value-enhancing initiatives, via creative leasing strategies, capital improvements or general expense reduction. This is in addition to the highly efficient daily property management of each site. They treat every property as their own, resulting in the highest level of care and attention to detail.”